Desire + C = Ef = Matter

Desire is very important. On inner levels desire will immediately create the result desired. This is just how the universe works.

Desire causes events to manifest spiritually and then physically. In physical reality there is a lag between when you create the desire and when you receive the result, but desire will still create what you want eventually as long as it does not wane.

Desire is also a source of energy. The more you think about what you want the more you desire it. The more you desire something the more energy you have to draw whatever corresponds with your desire from the field of probabilities. The greater your desire the more energy you have to manifest the thoughtform. The greater your desire the more energy you have to wield psychologically and physically to do whatever must be done to manifest it physically.

Keep your desire strong. Use your desire and will to create what you want. Where there is a will there is a way.

Do not become desperate.  Desire strongly but not in a grasping and desperate way. Desire with confidence you can create what you desire and with positive expectations and emotions.

“When a man desires a thing so deeply that he is willing to stake his entire future on a single turn of the wheel in order to get it, he is sure to win.”


— Thomas Edison

 CONSCIOUSNESS = ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD = MATTER = EVENTS  Consciousness forms electromagnetic fields which form electrons which compose events.


Redirection Positive