As I previously said, your beliefs don’t simply reflect your reality, they create your reality. Beliefs determine and regulate your thoughts and emotions, and all three manifest as your reality.
Rather than letting your beliefs and emotions control you, take charge of them. They are not supposed to control you, you control them.
Listen to what you are telling yourself is or is not true in your head as you go about your day. The thoughts that run through your mind are usually statements of belief. These thoughts act like the repetition of a hypnotist and reinforce the beliefs you have that are forming your future.
Use self-talk like a hypnotist to put yourself in trance. Reinforce positive beliefs and negate counter-productive beliefs, no matter what they are. Consciousness creates matter and not the other way around. You decide what reality is.
You may want to Imagine you are an attorney making a case for your successful future before a panel of jurors. Would you equivocate? Would say that in your opinion you may succeed?
If you want to convince your subconscious and inner self of something, do so with firm conviction.
How important is your success? Are you worth it? What will you get out of it?
The more frequently you visualize something the more you want it. Desire is a source of energy. Employ it.
Add confidence and willpower.
Invest in positive thoughts until your subjective accounts are full. There is no doubt, your dream life is something that must be. All psychological energy is moving in that direction. There are no cross currents.
Most of my readers are not yet masters. You are probably still coping with things you don’t like about your life. You are likely reading this article because you want to get rid of stuff.
As you become more knowledgeable in applying manifesting principles you get better and better results over time. If you are smart you realize that those results are as much a factor of what you do not think as they are what you do think.
Starve problems by becoming positive. Remind yourself that as you give less attention to your problems that you are starving them of energy. This causes them to gradually begin to dissipate, and eventually disappear. At the same time more of everything good and desirable begins coming your way. Your overall experience improves in quality.
It is now easier for you to advance in the specific areas you want to see improvements. You find that it becomes increasingly easy to manifest what you want. With a mind cleared of negative energy and impeding thoughts, professional, financial and social opportunities present themselves with greater frequency. Small gains are replaced by exponential leaps and bounds.
CONSCIOUSNESS = ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD = MATTER = EVENTS Consciousness forms electromagnetic fields which form electrons which compose events.