How Do I Manifest Cash? Materialize Money Using Metaphysics

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.




How Do I Manifest Cash? Materialize Money Using Metaphysics

  • How do I manifest cash?
  • How do I materialize money using metaphysics?


I will answer these questions now.


Mind forms matter Belief-projection-theory

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internal Science multidimensional holographic

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Consciousness forms matter Solid physical Particles do not exist

Manifest your best self


How do I manifest cash?

How do I manifest cash,materialize money using metaphysics? W Eastwood
William Eastwood when he founded Earth Network.

You can manifest cash and materialize money using metaphysics. To do so, dwell on the feeling of the wish fulfilled with at least some degree of confidence that you may get some results.

I have manifested large sums of cash recently by saying affirmations (posted on Earth Network websites).

To manifest cash and materialize money, think about at least one of the best times in your past when you had a lot of money, or found money. Bring those feelings into your body and amplify them.


Mind forms matter daily guidance.
A daily affirmations & guidance.


Go through the day thinking about the times when money came to you easily and unexpectedly and say affirmations from time to time. Those affirmations should stress the feeling of receiving and faith that the process will work, and your inner self will deliver.

How do I manifest cash? UN Materialize money using metaphysics
The Inner UN.

To manifest cash and materialize money, stay in a positive state of mind and express gratitude for everything you touch or look at. Follow all leads that could lead to work or possible sources of money (apply common sense). At the same time trust and follow your intuition.


Do you know the secret? Mind can and does form matter.
A website article.


To manifest cash and materialize money, follow your joy and bliss (your intuitive direction). Your intuition tells you what you need to do through your feelings. Pay attention to what you are attracted to.


A article.


If you are not already using affirmations, go to my affirmation pages and use the affirmations that you are drawn to. To manifest cash and materialize money, control your mind. Affirmations teach you to think in affirmations.


Click on image to learn more.


To manifest cash and materialize money, avoid being reactive. Become energized by your inspiration and with energy direct your thought processes according to everything you have learned about metaphysical manifesting.

How do I manifest cash? UN Materialize money using metaphysics
The Inner UN.

There are thousands of beliefs that can throw you off, which is why the Earth Network affirmations are so important. They work in a variety of ways so that you avoid common mistakes that prevent you from manifesting cash and materializing money. You have no excuse, because they are free. Just save the link and use it when you need to.


The main article continues below.



Affirmations & Guidance

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FREE daily affirmations and guidance (by William Eastwood)

50 years of experience goes into the best affirmations you will find anywhere! Use them at home, at work or while in lines and traffic. Transform your life, manifest your goals and create your dreams!

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FREE Reset Service: Daily affirmations and guidance.



You are NOT meant to suffer!

William Eastwood your mind can create what matters to you
William Eastwood wants to tell you how you can have anything you want.

Reality is not the dark and gloomy picture that is often taught in the classroom and depicted on the news. There is no reason whatsoever to suffer in life. You do not have to work at a job you do not like in a grueling 9 to 5 life of pain and suffering followed by death and extermination of your existence. It isn't that way at all!

This way of thinking is a symptom of a flawed model rather than flawed people. Reality is far different than what most of us were taught.


Manifest anything instantly, and stay safe under any circumstances

When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available to the public on four websites and in two books primarily.

Internal Science allows you to achieve immunity from every form of threat: climate, economic, health, social, crime, war, etc.."


Affirmations to manifest anything you want instantly
A daily affirmation & guidance page.


Daily Affirmation and guidance pages

With four affirmation pages you can find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.



The main article continues:


How do I manifest cash? UN Materialize money using metaphysics
The Inner UN.

You create the events of your life. You cannot utilize the power of your mind until you understand this basic fact about reality.

Drop all thoughts and feelings of desperation and realize that as you focus on money, you make connections to probable events.



How to create what you desire

A woman realizes her mind forms matter.
A woman realizes her thoughts do create matter.

Applying the principle that thoughts create matter is easy when you know how.

We must first learn and understand different methods that work. Faith (I do not mean religious faith) is central and key to the process. The thoughts create matter formula is very simple.

To manifest effectively, it is necessary to take a certain stance toward reality that is based on understanding and trust. We attract and receive our desires by reveling in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

When we have learned through trial and error, we know we will get results and so we trust the universe to deliver.

Read more.... (International Philosophy.)

Information like this can be found in all our 500 free articles and in my books.


To materialize money using metaphysics, generate and focus a lot of energy along positive lines.


Stop all problems from continuing
A website article.


Both thoughts and matter are electromagnetic energy. To manifest cash, dwell in the spirit and feeling of the wish fulfilled in belief, thought and emotion.




Anyone can apply these principles in seconds.

If you are overworked, desperate or staining to get results you are pushing what you want away from you. If this is the case, drop the desperation and relax. Realize that the universe will bring you whatever you want when you understand the law of attraction and create the positive feelings associated with success and having what you want.

My affirmation pages give you the means to manifest by providing the best affirmations you can get anywhere and guidance on how to use affirmation.



Affirmations & Guidance

For Free on This Site!


FREE daily affirmations and guidance (by William Eastwood)

50 years of experience goes into the best affirmations you will find anywhere! Use them at home, at work or while in lines and traffic. Transform your life, manifest your goals and create your dreams!

  • No requirements whatsoever!
  • Completely free and on this site!
  • Just click below and save the link!


Mind forms matter Metaphysical-affirmations-metaphysics-daily-guidance-support-positive-mind
FREE Reset Service: Daily affirmations and guidance.


By simply linking to my daily affirmation page and saying the powerful affirmations you can manifest money or whatever you want.


Your mind can does create matter reality existence life
CLICK HERE if you want to actually DO IT!

Either you read about it, or you do it.

Affirmations are most effective when done intermittently, and so my affirmations follow the most beneficial off/on rhythm and repeat for maximum effectiveness. 50 years of experience counts. Make your next thought count by working for you.




Mind can form matter manifest money now success
A website article.


Do you ever wonder if you will have enough money to pay the rent or get something you want? If you do that, you are using the wrong approach. You decide outcomes. Remember that. Any situation can have whatever outcome you want it to have. You decide.


What Is a Thought? Human Consciousness, Mind Create Emotion Defined
A website article.


Events do not happen to you; they spring up from inner nonphysical events that you are creating even in this very moment. Imagine the best surprise you have ever had, perhaps a windfall, or meeting a lover when you were younger. Each thought you have adds energy to inner structures that can create events as good as you want them to be. These inner nonphysical events are the source material you draw from to create tomorrow’s events.

If when you fill your mind with positive beliefs you add a sense of strong conviction, you internalize the belief or visualization. When you internalize something, you make it a belief and give it twice the power to manifest.


Your mind can and does create matter and reality millionaire
A website article.


To manifest cash and materialize money, focus on those times when you make progress toward your goals. Everyone has days when it seems like nothing is happening or when you backslide. Do not focus on these times and avoid overthinking the issues.

How do I manifest cash? UN Materialize money using metaphysics
The Inner UN.

Stay focused on daily meals, common pleasures and the progress made on that day or week. Every so often visualize the wish fulfilled or make symbolic statements that indicate your faith in the universe and your ability to manifest cash and materialize money.

Keep learning even during those days when you feel pressed to do work. Do not overwork yourself. You must feel good to manifest cash and materialize money. Feeling good is a match to the energy of manifesting cash and materializing money.


A article.


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Secrets and tips on how to manifest money

  1. Understand that your thoughts and emotions create your reality.
  2. Minimalize contrary thought energy by focusing on what is working in your life.
  3. Manage your thoughts and emotions consistently, aggressively visualizing and affirming what you want multiple times every day.


How do I manifest cash? UN Materialize money using metaphysics
The Inner UN.

The second requirement is a challenge for most because your mind is restless and tends to try to solve problems by focusing on what is wrong. This is a very poor policy unless you want to materialize more problems. Use affirmations to take control of your thought process.


You can make things happen with your thoughts and mind.
A article.


You may want to visit our free daily affirmation and guidance page first thing in the morning when you wake up. You can also get the audiobook and listen to it when you wake up, right before you fall asleep, when you are driving your car, or whenever you want.

Remind yourself of what you should be thinking by placing notes around your house, creating a collage of photos representing your goals or keep books open to the pages you want to study and apply.


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If you use affirmations properly, you will experience results within a month. When you have changed your beliefs and inner self-talk to affirm the positive, and think in affirmations, your life will change to reflect the new beliefs.

With mastery success is easy. You will be able to achieve just about anything you want in a short time frame.

To manifest cash and materialize money, develop a personal formula. To manifest cash and materialize money, use the positive thinking mind power success formula.

Click the icon below to learn more.


How do I use mind over matter to materialize money manifesting goals dreams?
A website article.


How do I manifest cash? UN Materialize money using metaphysics
The Inner UN.

To manifest cash and materialize money, accept the help that comes to you. If you do not go through the doors that open you are not trusting the universe or people or both, and you must trust to get anywhere in life.




Mind can and does form matter says William Eastwood
William Eastwood.

His mission is to help you!


Solve any problem!

Achieve any goal!

Science with a heart and soul!




Free daily affirmations and guidance

mind forms matter daily-affirmations-metaphysics-guidance-success-love-money help
William Eastwood affirmations & the way to success posted daily.


How I recently materialized cash

If I can materialize eleven twenty-dollar bills in one summer, you can learn to do the same.

Money on the road.

A few months back I found an envelope with four $20 bills in it and no identification. A few weeks after that I found six $20 bills folded together. A week later when I was walking to the bank, I thought I would try to manifest more. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and visualized $20 bills. I was focusing on how I felt the last time I found $120.

Unbelievably, as I opened my eyes they were already fixed on a folded and partially crumpled $20 bill.

Of course, you are wondering what my secret is. I had been focused on making money for over a year, often saying affirmations while filling myself with the feeling of having and making money. The powerful affirmations I use are on my free daily affirmation post (link below).

It is something that happened because of the cumulative effect of my constructive focus and creative efforts.

I want to mention that I was feeling on top of the world the morning I found the eleventh $20 bill. I was focused on the feeling of the perfect summer day near the ocean in New London, CT. Generally speaking, the more positive thoughts and feelings we have, the more likely it is that we can manifest positive events and objects like finding money.

I have been manifesting money and treasure since I was a child.

You can manifest cash, goals and dreams simply by visiting my affirmation/reset daily post. It only takes seconds. It is a good way to stop just thinking about doing it to actually do it. Link to it in a bookmark and visit every time you have an urge to manifest or need to be positive.

Affirmations are most effective when done intermittently, and so my affirmations follow the most beneficial off/on rythm and repeat for maximum effectiveness.



"I can get you out of your current situation, no matter what it is, and it's completely free." — William Eastwood.


How to reset the mind




My daily affirmations and guidance post.


Mind forms matter daily guidance.
A daily affirmations & guidance.


  • Get out of unwanted experience and into the life you desire.
  • Success is as easy as your next thought.


By going to my daily affirmation page, you can bring success and happiness into your life immediately. Keep going and you will keep it there. Do nothing and nothing will happen.




This daily post is designed to help you. You can extract yourself from the most difficult circumstances, and you can manifest your dreams and goals. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen.


How do I manifest cash? By expecting it. How do I materialize money using metaphysics? I affirmations, and whatever tools I have to focus on what I want in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.


A website article.


How to manifest cash money with your thoughts

I visualized a $20,000 check for about 40 days when I suddenly received $16,000 in free funds laid out in payments over a period of two years. I withdrew $1,500 from cash machines only three days ago. I made purchases online and I am receiving my orders daily. I am also corresponding with a real estate agent regarding the purchase of land in Hawaii where I am planning to move to in one year.


How to materialize cash money fast
An article.



Where everyone is going every morning!

Mind forms matter fast track to success



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Placebo effect


You probably know that a placebo is a sugar pill. If you are given a sugar pill and are told it will help you, it will.

If it is not the sugar that manifests healing in the body, what is it?

By admitting that placebos work, the medical establishment recognizes the power of a single or limited thought process to heal and cure.

But every single belief, thought and emotion has a placebo or nocebo effect.

What the medical profession measures is only a fraction of the totality of placebo effect

When we apply metaphysical principles, we change more than a few thoughts or a single expectation. To understand the extent and power of the placebo effect we must compute it for more than a single expectation of healing for a limited amount of time. We need to look at the effect of changing our habitual thoughts, attitudes, our entire worldview and emotional states.


What is causing more depression suicide in children, teens adults?
An article.


Our inner reality is an interwoven tapestry of previous thoughts and emotions that forms our belief system. It is the entire workings that manifests. You can’t measure the effect of just one thought without considering the effect of other ideas on which that thought is based. For every positive placebo you may have ten noceboes that render the the placebo only marginally effective. This is what scientists should be studying, but they are not.

“When we do that, we will get a more accurate measure of the placebo effect.

“When you apply thought in an advanced and clinical way, as given in my books, you combine all the finest advanced methods, techniques and procedures in a powerful unified approach to create a compounded placebo effect.

“The compounding placebo effect is the thought materialization effect.



The main article continues below.



Mind Forms Matter research


Mind forms matter 500 free articles girl holding money

Internal Science & International Philosophy.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

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Donate Charity Mission great civilization Earth Network nonprofit we need your help today
Click above to find out how.

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A website article.


Affirmations can change beliefs, and when done properly will ensure success and positive experiences.


Manifesting is all about projecting the desired emotions

Negative emotions will manifest!

Positive emotions will manifest!

Thoughts of abundance will manifest!

A sense of forward motion will manifest!

A sense of adventure, glory and discovery will manifest!

A sense of power and ability will manifest!

Joy will manifest!

Match the emotion of having what you want to manifest it!

Maintain those emotions for as long as it takes!

Control your thoughts and emotions.

Make each day an adventure.



Mind forms matter daily guidance. daily affirmations & guidance.

Here is where you change your life for the better




Mind Forms Matter books

Mind Forms Matter 10 paperback book covers


Audiobook manifest fantasies while you sleep
Listen, learn & manifest.



The main article resumes:



You have the power to materialize anything

“Thoughts do materialize. When we understand that they do and apply the proper science we:

  1. “Take control of our life.
  2. “Quadruple the effectiveness of our thoughts.
  3. “Get an astounding overall transformation in the quality of our life.

If a single pill placebo can give you a 25% better chance of healing, imagine what 50 or 100 beliefs/placebos operating in you can do?

It is not the pills and the operations that are saving you, it’s your beliefs in them and the entire body of multiple placebos operating within you that give you all the good in your life.

Contrast that with all the noceboes that are giving you dissatisfaction and impeding progress in certain areas of your life.

Reduce the noceboes and increase the placebos and you have a formula that will work.

“Our illnesses, pandemics and disorders are a kind of healing crisis which are meant to lead us to the answers. The truth is more positive than we can presently conceive.

“We are currently in global paradigm shift.”

— William Eastwood



The main article continues below.



Mind Forms Matter research


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Your beliefs create your reality
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Mind Forms Matter books

Mind Forms Matter 10 paperback book covers


Audiobook manifest fantasies while you sleep
Listen, learn & manifest.



The main article resumes:



If I can manifest money, so can you

Unlimited money.

The way I did it was simply by using many affirmations. During the weeks in which I found money I was saying affirmations on the subject of making money a dozen or so times a day. I created the distinct feeling of finding wads of cash in many of those manifesting efforts.

Over the years I have also cleared away conflicting beliefs while building up a self-image of being someone who makes a lot of money and receives free money.

Most of the money I acquire is not manifest out of thin air or abandoned by others. I have my royalties and other channels through which much larger sums flow. I am also given money. A week after writing this article I had someone give me two twenties, and another person gave me one twenty. Neither gift was for work.

I have money coming in from every direction without having to work for it. I am convinced anyone can do this by focusing on receiving money and using affirmations properly.


A website article and book.


Mind forms matter says your worldview is your power.
A website article.


Money and positive events are composed of and created by your own energy. Anything you desire must be created by means of deposit. Every positive thought and emotions is a deposit into an inner energy bank. Even protecting your account is a factor of deposit.

An affirmation is a deposit.

Affirmations = success, money and protection

How do I manifest cash? UN Materialize money using metaphysics
The Inner UN.

More is achieved with the mind than we generally realize. In an interactive universe it is necessary to have the proper focus, beliefs and intent. How is this achieved?

I have developed the habit of looking at my affirmations during the day and at night. This is the healthiest habit I have developed. At any time I feel negative thoughts coming on, I can click the affirmation page icon on the screen of my phone and read the list I have posted for that day. I have four sites I can look at to find the most effective affirmation.

Often, I will read only the affirmation that is relevant or has the greatest impact at the time. At other times it takes only a second to remind my mind of my preferred thoughts and emotions.

Use what you have. Use affirmations to redirect your mind and make deposits.


Click on image to learn more.


If you have a phone, you can do this at any time, even at work. If your employer does not allow phones, you can ask them to allow access to my affirmation page for the benefits it will offer everyone. You can even affirm that you will be given the opportunity to do so.

Your thoughts should be thought of as tools to achieve any goal. People see time in a routine job, or waiting in a line as downtime, but these moments are your greatest opportunities to create what you want in life.


Click on image to learn more.


Employing affirmations in a line can bring in more money. Using them at work, for example, can raise employee morale and productivity, circumvent conflicts and help everyone to focus in a positive direction and make more money as a result.

How do I manifest cash, goals and money? How do I materialize money using metaphysics? I use affirmations, and whatever tools I have to focus on what I want in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.


Mind forms matter daily guidance.
A website article.


Belief, expectation, faith, assumption and wishes are all energy that manifest, yet these are all a product of thought. There is nothing that cannot be created with affirmations.

Is there something you want? The proper affirmation can immediately create it on an inner level, and another affirmation can propel it into physical form.

There is no reason on earth for anyone to be depressed. The reason why we have depressed people and mental illness in this world is because we have a dysfunctional psychology because everything we have been taught is wrong.


Success is really just mind over matter

Identity gives access.

Mind over matter is the ability to focus your beliefs, thoughts and emotions on a desired outcome until you get it. Dwell on and expect success and you will create and experience success. To dwell in fear and worry incessantly is to create more to fear and worry about.

By understanding and embracing these principles you can change your thoughts and your life. Your subjective actions are the primary creative force in your life. Direct your consciousness properly and responsibly and you will experience a life of success and realization of your greatest ambitions.


How do I become rich and successful
A website article.


The most important things to remember

  1. Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions create your reality.
  2. You get what you focus on and feel.
  3. Beliefs generate thoughts and feelings, and all three create your reality.
  4. To change your financial reality, you must change what you believe, even in the face of contrary evidence. For example: You may have to tell yourself you have plenty of money even while you may be unable to pay your bills.
  5. Imagining you are already a success and projecting the results you want in belief, thought and emotion is your most effective method of creating what you want.
  6. When you employ these principles properly, synchronistic events will occur.


These are unexpected fortunate events that bring you what you are asking for or better. To override past programming, you may need to be thinking about money all the time.


Mind forms matter How do I know what to do? Follow the God of You
A website article.


How Do I Materialize Money Using Metaphysics?  The Power of Your Mind & Thoughts.  Metaphysical Philosophy.  Learn How to Materialize Money.  Manifest What You Want In Life




Metaphysical laws and principles

Most people succeed or fail due to unconscious misapplication of the laws that govern reality.

There are laws that apply equally to everyone. Like the laws of conservation and physics, there are laws that govern consciousness and its manifestation.

Loads of cash.

These laws are relatively impartial and will manifest wanted or unwanted events depending on your beliefs, thoughts and emotions.


It is easy to make and attract money once you understand the basic rules and apply some simple principles..

Most people never do it because they refuse to abandon the worldview they were taught in their formative years. This is called cognitive dissonance.


Mind can / does form matter assistance
William Eastwood.

"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."


Many wealthy people got used to having money around when they were young and so this became their dominant thought and expectation. They simply expect to make and have plenty of money. They are accustomed to large amounts of in-flowing cash and the feeling that it generates.


They do not have to fixate on their ability to have or acquire wealth because it is a fixture of their consciousness and outer world already.  But if you have not been wealthy most of your life you have to stop the momentum of your previous beliefs, thoughts and feelings around money and your ability to have it.

Your yacht.

You must see yourself as being a person that has lots of money.  If you have not made a lot of money in your past you may not have positive experiences to focus on, and so your pattern will most likely continue unless you can use your imagination to change your inner psychology around money and having it.

If you have any degree of focus on not having enough, or if you worry at all, even for brief periods of time, you need to change your focus and you need the motivation to do so. Otherwise, default patterns are likely to continue.


Click on image to learn more.


Click on image to learn more.


What is your motivation?

What is going to motivate you to change your life?

Find out what motivation is powerful enough to inspire you to completely revamp your beliefs, thoughts and feelings. Desire is a source of motivation and energy, so anything you desire strongly enough can help. You know what your triggers are. You need to focus on your main motivations and triggers to get energy moving and shifting in the right direction.


I know one multi-millionaire that was told she would never make it, and at that very moment she decided that she would. And she did.

Once you are motivated, fixate on what you want.

Picture the most phenomenal future and let it fill your mind as often as possible. And most importantly, FEEL IT..

You need to maintain the right emotions. You actually feel events into reality. Your dominant feelings are what manifest. Identify memories, attitudes and areas of thought that bring about the best possible feelings. The best emotions are of succeeding, getting it right, having what you wanted and thankfulness.


It is simple to manifest money and succeed in theory, but hard for most people to do just because it can be really difficult to hold the right thoughts and feelings all the time. Keep your emotions right and do not let yourself relapse into fear or worry of any kind or to any degree.

I know it works, because that is how I manifest money.



Click above for practical knowledge that will allow you to apply the principles successfully.


Believe you can do it

Tell the Universe/God what you want by creating a vivid or emotional mental picture of whatever it is you want at this time in your life. You can create whatever you hold foremost in mind and believe possible.

Do not settle for mediocrity or less than the perfect life or destiny. The best possibility will give you the greatest desire, and the greatest desire will give you the most motivation and energy.

Think big. You can do it if you believe you can. Clarity of vision, determination and resolve impels the mind and body to succeed.

It is easy to manifest and materialize money when you are using metaphysics and the power of your mind and thoughts.

Remind yourself that these principles are real and that you know how to apply them and are doing so correctly. Know that you will get results.

Now you can manifest your ideal life.


An website article.


I certainly manifested cash money with my thoughts.

To learn how this is done, visit my free daily affirmation post. Do this from time to time, especially in the early morning or when you need to refocus on the positive. You can also view or download my free book to learn the basics. If you click on the image of Robin Hood below, you will open to all the information and links you need to manifest your goals and dreams.


A Free Book

For Everyone in the World Who Wants It!


Get your FREE PDF book (by William Eastwood)

EASTWOOD philanthropy: Powerful knowledge for all ages.


Mind can and does create matter presents a free book to help those in need
CLICK HERE TO GET OUR FREE BOOK: A thinking strategy for happiness, personal power and success!


Click on image to learn more.


The main article continues below.



William Eastwood presents

William Eastwood presents: Thoughts create matter


Mind forms matter presents William website internal science international philosophy




How to manifest money and wealth

How to materialize cash money fast
An article.

How to create anything manifest thoughts matter
A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

You can make things happen with your thoughts and mind.
A article. article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

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A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

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A article.

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A article.

A article.


The main article resumes:


Informative tips, tricks and guidance to help you create your desires.


daily-affirmations-metaphysics-guidance-success-money affirmations & guidance posted daily.


Mind can / does form matter assistance
William Eastwood.

"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."


Your intellectual and emotional understanding helps you to get the results you want. The principles you are applying work more effectively when they are reinforced intellectually and intuitively.



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Thoughts form reality mind creates events Holographic Universe Book





Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William E
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.






"Make All Your Problems Go Away" hardcover book.
A special trophy hardcover book with color illustrations.


You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.

At age 12, Eastwood was convinced of what would soon become a new paradigm in science. Rather than appease professors and become acclaimed in orthodoxy, he took a course that would align himself with ordinary people everywhere. Although continuing his efforts to reduce fossil fuel emissions in the United States, he changed his direction in a call to help people everywhere. His efforts met with opposition.

The clash between worldviews and the sometimes lethal resistance to a new and more accurate understanding of reality and human nature can make our job extremely difficult at times, however, and so we thank you for your book purchase!

Profits from the sale of books are used to fund the mission; we offer a new paradigm to solve all problems and achieve all worthy goals.





How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback




You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.







Mind forms matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.



Manifesting power book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.


Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
2023 edition.




Book International philosophy of life success wealth happiness internal science by William Eastwood




The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William






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Mind forms matter to thoughts create reality

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Mind Forms Matter got me smart

How your mind forms matter and creates reality
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How Do I Manifest Cash? Materialize Money Using Metaphysics: The Power of Mind & Thoughts

Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood.



Primary article concludes here.



Materialize Money Using Metaphysics and the Power of Mind and Thoughts



Categories: How do I manifest cash? How do I materialize money using metaphysics? Materialize money using metaphysics & the power of mind. How to use thoughts to create money and wealth. How to attract money using mind power. How to use metaphysics to Create Wealth, Prosperity & Abundance.  How to Manifest Cash, Materialize Money Using Metaphysics & the Power of Mind & Thoughts. Thoughts form and create money and success. Thoughts create matter. Click on our site to learn more.


How Do I Manifest Cash? Materialize Money Using Metaphysics

Manifest Money, Success & Wealth. Attract Money Using Mind Power. Money is just another form of energy. Using your thoughts to create money & success is easy.


