Are There People that Can’t Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck & Unable to Learn?

Eastwood 1979 interview Thoughts create matter author

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.




Are There People that Can’t Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck & Unable to Learn?

  • Are there people that can’t be educated?
  • Why are some people stuck and unable to learn?


I will answer this question now.


Mind forms matter Belief-projection-theory

What is Internal Science & International Philosophy

The Holographic Theory of Consciousness

How can I save the earth & all life?

Multidimensional Time Travel: Astral Projection man-made planet

internal Science multidimensional holographic

Who are we what is our nature myths

The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time

Consciousness forms matter Solid physical Particles do not exist

Manifest your best self


Are There People that Can’t Be Educated?

Yes, there is a reason why some people refuse to learn and thus can’t be educated. Many will never change their  mind and accept the new science paradigm.

There are people that can’t be educated because they believe they are right and they won’t budge. Eventually they will be replaced by those who are willing to consider another scientific paradigm and are thus able to learn.


Why doesn’t mainstream science say that thoughts create matter?

Science is schizophrenic: The arms and legs of the body of science (the various fields of science) don’t listen to the head (the physicists who reveal the nature of reality, i.e. quantum mechanics). The reason is because a whole new science paradigm is involved.


People Are Stuck and Unable to Learn

Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

There are many people that are unable to learn who are stuck because most people in the world today will not seek to understand anything but that which validates what they already believe. Even ideas that are slightly different from what they have accepted are sometimes closed out. If something has already been decided, why revisit the question?

That’s a big problem if you want someone to learn something new. The best approach for stuck people is not to be pushy because people sense when we want to change their beliefs and this tends them to go in the other direction and defend their position.

When you agree with people, they will often be willing to look at another viewpoint. When you disagree with a person, they will disagree with you.


Why some people become stuck in a particular worldview

When a person has a profound experience they will try to figure it out. A person may have a revelation. If so, they will look for a worldview that explains what just happened to them. If they have no way to understand but through the religion or science they had been exposed to at some point in their life then they may interpret what happened to them through that lens.

Once they are further along in the process it is difficult to change their mind unless what you are presenting is made to fit their main belief system.

The mind collects information to support its beliefs, and over the years we reject ideas that threaten our beliefs. This applies for those who are highly educated because of the the degree of certainty that exists in their mind as a result of scripting, schooling and organizing their reality according to their worldview. If they know they are right and others wrong, there is no need to waste their time.

When we are stuck

It’s an issue if you want to stop suffering or avail yourself of whatever is bothering you. Affirmations can get you unstuck. Many people remain ruled by ideas they know are false. They can’t get rid of them.

What if something we all have learned to be true is discovered not to be true at all? What if scientists discover that what previous scientists believed is a false paradigm? What if our reality is a projection of the mind? What if physical things were actually a mirage produced by the mind? What if something else than what we were taught is going on?

The universe is a holographic projection of the mind, and this means you will experience evidence of whatever it is that you believe, and this is why even scientists can prove just about anything. It is also why we get stuck.


Mind forms matter presents: You can prove anything
A article.


The mind looks for patterns, wants to see the world the way other people do, and organizes its contents according to its strongest beliefs.


Science religion why deny consciousness
A website article.


A website article.


Children adopt their parent’s beliefs and mimic what they see, eventually considering it to be normal and correct. When a whole society does this, the mainstream worldview is fixed and closed. This is the situation we are in as a civilization. Authoritarianism is widespread for a reason.

It is important not to expect the people around you to see what you do. You are more apt to change people’s beliefs and thinking if you do not make it obvious what you are trying to do. People learn best by example. Be an example of success and they will be curious as to how you are managing to accomplish so much.

Leave a really good looking book on the coffee table around the time when you mention a positive development in your life, like finding a twenty-dollar bill. Depending on how open minded they are, you can mention that you have had some success with a problem or situation that has endured.

If you are trying to change the thinking of a younger person you can use a lot of enthusiasm and explain it to them, but with an older person you may need to give them time to come around.

Sometimes withdrawing attention from the person draws them, and at other times, sending them a telepathic message that you are changing while visualizing them responding as you want them to works.


How do we change a person’s mind?

Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

Asking a person “what would be required in terms of evidence to sway your opinion?” is the best way to open their mind to new ideas. This puts them in control of their beliefs and may therefore disarm them.

Being in control will make them feel safer and will likely lower their defenses. If they respond by saying nothing will change my mind,” then ask them if they had grown up in a different family that believed differently, could that have led to a situation where they would have believed differently? If they grew up in a Christian family and are anti-abortion, for example, pondering having grown up in a nonreligious household could have led to a different set of values. Pondering their believing differently is what you wanted them to do in the first place. The mission is accomplished!




Mind Forms Matter 500 free articles William Eastwood Alchemist
All articles are International Philosophy.

How your mind forms matter and creates reality

International Philosophy by William Eastwood is your flight to success
A website article.
How your mind forms matter guidelines to create
A website article.
An website article.
How do I know what to do? Follow the God of You
A article.
BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions
A article.


THOUGHTS CREATE MATTER: International Philosophy by William Eastwood

The world is using the wrong scientific paradigm to try to solve problems. The right science paradigm is Internal Science.


Max Planck says mind forms matter

Max Plank

Max Planck, Nobel Prize winning father of quantum mechanics says, “I regard matter as a derivative from consciousness.” The Observer, 1931.



Bernard d’Espagnat believes mind forms matter

Mind forms matter according to the world's leading physicists. Bernard d'Espagnat.
Bernard d’Espagnat.

“The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment.”

— Bernard d’Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.



Niels Bohr blurs the lines between mind and matter

Niels Bohr. Quantum theory mind forms thoughts create matter
Niels Bohr.

“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you yet, you don’t understand it well enough.”

― Neils Bohr, Nobel Prize winner father of quantum mechanics.



David Bohm (How thoughts create matter)

David Bohm, friend of Einstein-comments-Mind-forms-creates-matter-proof-facts-David-Bohm-273
David Bohm.

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer — tells us that our physical reality is a holographic projection of the brain and five senses.




William Eastwood, universal author teaching international philosophy

You are creating your own fantastic hologram — your own physical reality and time and space. Your consciousness exists in the field, not the brain, which is a transmitter. The moment is a range of perception. Your consciousness is infinite, indestructible and multidimensional.



You create your reality

  1. There is no singular, one-world time-line.
  2. You do not progress in a linear manner within time from birth to death.
  3. You are not a three-dimensional self moving through a three-dimensional world from birth to death.
  4. You and the world do not exist that way.


How you are creating a three-dimensional movie—your life

Thoughts create matter: A virtual reality headset
Virtual reality headset.

Imagine that in your living room you put on a holographic headset. At the click of a switch, you seem to no longer be in your living room.

Your senses are now telling you that you are actually on a tropical beach. As you reach down to touch the imaginary sand, sensor pads in gloves you are wearing give the sensation of pressure on your fingers.

This is an analogy to explain the purpose of your body and brain. Your body and brain are like a holographic headset that allows you to perceive a 3D movie you call your life.


You are not moving through time and space from birth to death―THAT IS THE PROJECTION YOU ARE CREATING.

If you do not see the objects behind you, they do not exist physically. There is a field of infinite probabilities behind you. When you turn to see what is there, you collapse one specific probability from an infinite range of probable events.

When you become aware of how you are creating your reality, you can awaken from the trance. It is then that you can create a-dream-come-true, in which you are surrounded by your every wish. By applying the principles of conscious creation carefully, I will tell you exactly how you can bring the production in line with what you want.

(Excerpt taken from “The Solution…”)


You can have anything you want when you are in the right paradigm.



An iconoclast who helps people achieve their dreams

“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”

— Albert Einstein.


Thought create fun dreams goals
William Eastwood wants to tell you how you can have anything you want.


I provide you with everything you need to know to create anything and solve any problem, public or private.



“I worked for a Yale Professor at age 13 and owned three large homes on the coast of Maine by age 23 because International Philosophy works like magic.”

— William Eastwood.


There is a way to change your thinking and other people’s minds. Besides the concepts in this article, we provide instructions daily with accompanying affirmations that allow people to replace common misconceptions with accurate and powerful beliefs. Our new affirmations given every day are a free tool to get rid of the old paradigm.




Mind forms matter affirmations header

Affirmations to manifest anything you want instantly
A daily affirmation & guidance page.


“Think the best thoughts you’ve ever thought. This is where you train you mind, create good mental habits, change beliefs and change your life.” —William Eastwood


Daily Affirmation and guidance pages

With four affirmation pages you can find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.



Learn to Use Your Mind to Materialize Anything You Desire
A article. World Help • Education • Environment • the Inner UN

Thoughts can and do create matter earth network
Earth Network.

The people of earth need a global philosophy everyone can agree on to unite humanity and to bring about the vast potential of our civilization and all its individual members.

— William Eastwood.



International Philosophy

The mind does filter perception on a conscious and subconscious level according to what you believe, think and feel. That alone will cause you to notice things that could help you achieve those goals you are focused on. However, perception is only one aspect of the mind’s functioning.

The mind creates and projects. The projection — your physical environment and life — is composed of consciousness. This view is supported by the science.


The mirror principle

International philosophy is based on the idea that we are fundamentally good rather than naturally inclined to do wrong, with the knowledge that what we believe is physically manifest. Flawed beliefs generate flawed behavior in the same way a faulty operating program in a good computer will cause it to run improperly.

The world’s problems are a perfect reflection of what is going on inside the people who are directly experiencing those problems. This applies to war and crime, as well as being a victim or living from paycheck to paycheck.

Reality mirrors the internal state. You cannot be what you are not on the inside, no matter what you do.


Thoughts create matter presents: The world is your mirror.
A website article.


Your mind can and does create matter and reality millionaire
A website article.





Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

The world is in crisis because of the monkey mind, but you do not need to experience anything negative if you organize your mind properly. I want to help you to do that, which is why I have created a daily affirmation post.

The entire world is being introduced to these ideas through the internet at a pace of global education never before seen. The majority cannot learn, but younger people often can and are online reading.

The problem is not a lack of new ideas or good science, it is the seemingly impossible task of untangling the beliefs of 8 billion people. Our civilization manifested everything you see on the news. All behavior and all theories in science are a product of the very strong and enduring beliefs of hundreds of generations of those who have largely lived in a mythical reality projected by faulty beliefs.



How to create anything manifest thoughts matter
A website article.


I have watched the world go by for 50 years, during which time I had the solution to all of humanity’s problems. I was sure the world would wake up, but instead the ideas I had were attacked. This was a blessing in disguise for me, because of what I learned in the interim that enabled me to begin to change the world’s thinking.

Now is the time for change. Everywhere I look I now see the ideas I have held inside me for 50 years are being disseminated all over the internet. There is a proliferation. People are waking up.



Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William E
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.

The Solution


A huge book.

The Solution book. photograph of front cover
561 pages. 2024 New Year’s edition.


The most recent editions of Earth Network books are made available first at—a trusted, major U.S. book seller—before going to all other retailers.  To ensure you get the latest version, buy through


Available in eBook or paperback.


The means to solve world problems and create the life you want. The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want.

It is all here, in the solution.

The Solution book by William Eastwood.
The new eBook is loaded with links to many of the 500 free articles written by William Eastwood.


"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."

— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.


"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.




Scientific American: Do our questions create our reality?

Why Are Some People Stuck & Unable to Learn?

Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

The reason why some people are stuck and unable to learn is because they have a “monkey mind” and are echoing the monkey minds of everyone on the news shouting “bloody murder.” Technology did not save us but is cursing us because it is in the hands of people who have not organized their mind properly. They are erratic in their thinking and most of their thinking is negative.

When humans hear the same message from more than one source repeated over and over again, at some point they begin believing it. We must point out to the whole world that this is what is what has happened over the past 5,000-10,000 years with the entire world’s belief in the paradigm of materialism and associated limiting and often toxic ideas that are leading to all the problems and division we see on the news today.

Whatever we focus on, we create more of.

The main article continues below.




Mind Forms Matter research




Mind Forms Matter 10 paperback book covers


Don’t forget our audiobook (at a different store). Just listen to it to make every day the best possible day, to learn, and to hear our affirmations.

To manifest your goals, use the script the narrator provides while you are listening. You will be told when to imagine your goals and the narrator’s suggestions will do their magic. Your goals will then manifest.


Audiobook manifest fantasies while you sleep
Listen, learn & manifest.


The main article continues below.



William Eastwood presents

William Eastwood presents: Thoughts create matter


Mind forms matter presents William website internal science international philosophy




How to manifest money and wealth

How to materialize cash money fast
An article.

How to create anything manifest thoughts matter
A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

You can make things happen with your thoughts and mind.
A article. article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.

A article.


The main article resumes:



How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback

Eastwood’s newest and best work made affordable


How to Manifest - A Guide book by William Eastwood 2024
Published in 2024.





Manifest whatever you want every day!






The cause is again, given in the solution.


A website article.


The main article resumes:


Are there people that can’t be educated?

Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

Anyone can be educated if they are willing to learn. But about 80% do not want to be exposed to anything that could be a scam or someone trying to change their beliefs to get their money.

About 80% are actively resistant to any ideas that could help them become better people and more understanding, although they don’t think of it that way at all. About 17% of those people will interpret what they do look at through the lens of what they already believe.

Here’s how it works:

We make sense of reality by drawing on our experiences. Until someone tells us what a house is, we don’t know when we are even in one. When we do know, we know according to the interactions we personally had with a house in our memory or pictures and descriptions of what a house is.

A worldview is more abstract than a house, and there is a motive to make it fit our initial assessments formed at about age thirteen. Before that time, we believe what our parent’s convey to us. When we form our own worldview, we may or may not stray from our parent’s views, but it is now our belief system and it is very important that we are “right.”

Here’s why:

Most people identify with their intellect. If their intellect is wrong, they are. Therefore, life becomes a challenge of proving they are never wrong, and they become stuck — permanently wrong. This is only true if their early conceptions and subsidiary beliefs were wrong from the start — if they were given a false worldview from the parents and/or society.

“The refusal to learn even that which could bring an immediate stop to our suffering and pain has to do with how we adopt subsidiary beliefs that support our core beliefs as we live our life. Subsidiary beliefs are like spokes in an old-fashioned wagon wheel. The spokes feed and support the hub or premise of our worldview. Our main and subsidiary beliefs manifest as experiences that seem to prove the premise.

The totality of our resulting experiences taken together confirm that we are right, hence affirming our intellect, which is what we think we are. After all, the intellect according to Darwinism is the pinnacle of evolution.

The picture held by the mind grows like a vine, gathering evidence to support it and experiences confirming our perceived correctness as we live our life. What we believe becomes our reality. This is how we create our reality, individually and collectively.

Going against what develops can be difficult, and a mere 3% can do it. As society continues down the road of a false materialism, that 3% continues to shrink, and this is a very serious problem.

When a society sees the violent result of radicalism it wants to limit exposure to new ideas for reasons of self-preservation. When an individual is tricked by a scam, they may no longer want to believe what someone is saying can help them. They may not click on anything they see as a potential scam, and they look at the source of any information before allowing entry.

When an entire society is based on a mythical paradigm, the insistence on author credentials kills any chance of escape from the illusion because credentials and degrees are based on scripting in the prevailing worldview. And as if that is not enough, less and less people even have the time to read or ponder the meaning of life.


Einstein and Books by William Eastwood


“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”

― Albert Einstein


Most people think of Einstein as a great mind, but Einstein’s genius was not derived from his brilliant intellect.

“I didn’t arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.”

Albert Einstein

 Einstein also tells us that scientists make poor philosophers.

“The man of science is a poor philosopher.”

Albert Einstein


Science is leading us back to the realization that simple faith can create what it believes in.


A true story and book.


A website article.





“The new paradigm explains why the new paradigm cannot be accepted; thus we have a paradox. Until acceptance occurs, acceptance cannot occur.”

— William Eastwood, author of “Holographic Universe — Journey Out of the Illusion”.



“One night at age 12 or 13 as I lay in bed…”

It all began at age 12
It all began at age 12. This is my story of one of my first experiences in which I astral traveled to a man-made planet in the distant future. I have since brought back knowledge that I have used in my plan for a new kind of civilization.

“I didn’t come from an academic family, and I didn’t even receive guidance from my parents. I was thrown into the world alone without anyone telling me anything about success or surviving. My father criticized me and basically said “good luck, you’re on your own,” although he was a loving parent.

“I had to educate myself. And I didn’t fit in at all. I was threatened and bullied all the time. I had no connections to educated people. I started reading books and began applying metaphysical principles.

“One night at age 12 or 13 I decided I needed to find out if what I was learning was true and if I really had an inner self. So, as I stared out my bedroom window at a full moon over a snow covered bitter cold landscape in January, I asked some questions directed to my inner self as I fell asleep. I asked, ‘If you are there, I need to know if all of this is true.’

“That night I woke up three times, or so I thought. Each time I tried to move, I couldn’t. I was terrified, but I did eventually move, but not in my physical body.



I Am Not an Ordinary Scientist: Internal Science & International Philosophy


William Eastwood Family Tree early life



Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

Increasingly people are locked out of learning that which would save them.

Many Americans are defensive non-learners. Those who are educated have the highest resistance to concepts that would change what they are already convinced are hard-core facts. Their answer is that they see no reason to look at information that contradicts what they already know (believe) to be true. Why waste my time? they think.

The most stuck non-learning segment of the population are mostly middle age, from 40 to 60 years old. The most open-minded segment of the population are young children or elderly.

And what if reality reflected what we all believed, by design?

Because we live in an information saturated world, most of us have closed our minds to that which could help us see that we have been in a grand illusion. You cannot blame someone for not wanting to listen to another insurance advertisement. However, closing oneself off to the degree that most of us have done may be perilous. While it is true that we are bombarded with false information and advertisers seeking to manipulate us, becoming proactively defensive can have negative consequences.


An website article.


That is actually a problem. Not entirely science or religion, the paradigm of “consciousness-is-all-that-exists” is experiencing this kind of dilemma, even though it was first promoted by David Bohm, a colleague of Einstein’s.



“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.

“The most important question a person can ask is, ‘Is the Universe a friendly place?'”

― Albert Einstein

Read more…


The cause of division and failure:


“If you do not act on your ideals in small practical ways, and if you distrust yourself, you will project that discontent out onto the world. With little or no tolerance, you will attack those you blame because all you see is duplicity.

The path to a successful civilization and self:

“But if you think the universe is friendly and you act on your ideals in what may be small and ordinary steps initially, you are likely to succeed and live a good life. You will serve as an example to others, and in general, everything will work in your life.”

— William Eastwood.

Read more…



What Is Consciousness? Panpsychism View, Argument, Paradigm International Philosophy


International Philosophy by William Eastwood is your flight to success
A website article.
How your mind forms matter guidelines to create
A website article.
Make things happen with your thoughts consciousness mind creates events
A website article.
How does your mind form matter and reality?
A website article.
What is a unifying principle
A article.


No, everyone can learn because everyone has free will. But that doesn’t mean that a particular individual is able to learn while they hold certain beliefs. In those terms, there are many people that can’t be educated.

Those who interpret reality and their place in that reality in a rigid manner, usually do so through the lens of materialistic science, religion or a combination of the two. But any issue that divides people because of polarized worldviews is partially a result of the blindness resulting from the idea of a world of physical facts that are seen as being primary (materialism).


Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

“Each person reads and experiences reality according to what they believe exists. If they hold a view of reality within themselves that is inherently limiting and/or negative, then this inner subjective reality and nothing else is projected outward into events and experiences so that everything conforms with their beliefs. They then cannot see anything outside of their own worldview. In effect, they become blind to any information that would free them from their inner and outer restricted reality.

“The negative focus on perceived enemies or opposition combined with the overlooked and unchecked power of consciousness and focus has been causing the world severe problems for a very long time only because we do not see the obvious.

— William Eastwood


A website article.


A meritocracy advances those who subscribe to the mainstream beliefs of the society they live in. When an entire society has a closed belief system people may point to the law and authority reinforcing their view. Materialism is false. We know that. However, it is the basis of accumulated “knowledge.” It is the lie everyone is invested in.


A website article.


A website article.


Belief systems often become closed and locked in place when it is not understood that events are a reflection of the beliefs, thoughts and emotions of the people that experience them. The Rosenthal Effect has revealed that the beliefs of a scientist conducting a study influence the results no matter how well controlled the experiment is.

The problem is that the paradigm of materialism does not even accept the possibility of unseen influences. It is unable to. The idea of beliefs, thoughts and emotions creating outcomes is not considered because it makes no sense in light of materialism. Those who hold this worldview — which is virtually everyone, even those who are religious — therefore tend to be in the same boat. They are unable to be educated.


what-is-the-anti-intellectual-movement-definition-origin-example-cause-solution-belief-systems-worldviews website article.


Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

The Holographic Universe paradigm, however, is scientifically validated by the work of top scientists — figures having sway over mainstream thinking because of the authority invested in them by the general population. The Holographic Universe paradigm does give us an opportunity to getting through to “stuck” people and breaking up closed belief systems.

Many people are stuck in one particular way of seeing things, and when challenged they will dig in further. They will maintain their position rather than look at themselves and their position from another perspective.

Rather than looking at the entire paradigm of materialism as possibly flawed, for example, researchers seek to explain away the Rosenthal Effect or Placebo Effect in terms of materialism. “There must be some physical influence,” is what a person who is unable to be educated thinks.

Yes, there are some people who can’t be educated in terms of not being able to change their worldview. Anyone can theoretically have a change of mind, but practically speaking, there are those who do not want to change their philosophical beliefs. For whatever reason, these individuals have decided they are “right” and so will not listen to contrary opinions.

It often seems that nothing you say to these people will get through. This is the issue I am dealing with. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. Books, however, can make a difference in some cases.




“The new paradigm explains why the new paradigm cannot be accepted; thus we have a paradox. Until acceptance occurs, acceptance cannot occur.”

— William Eastwood, author of “Holographic Universe — Journey Out of the Illusion”.


Division is a symptom of materialism

Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

Divisiveness in society is a result of the breakdown of materialism as a unifying principle for civilization. We are on the brink of a civil war because the radical faction in America has realized that materialistic science has failed them, but instead of grounding themselves in a new science that accurately explains the facts of existence, they are forming factions or cults, and this is the division that is tearing us apart.

To prevent mainstream myths and cults from gaining further traction, we need to introduce the factual science that will serve as a unifying principle in the future.

Change can begin to take place now if the news is properly announced. Such is the case with “The Holographic Universe — Journey Out of the Illusion.”



Mind Forms Matter research



A new picture of reality has emerged since Einstein published his theory of relativity in 1905. Quantum mechanics has proven elements of classical physics to be incorrect.




Albert Einstein thoughts create matter physical illusion


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

― Albert Einstein



Thoughts form reality mind creates events Holographic Universe Book


“The Holographic Universe – Journey Out of the Illusion” opens with the historical context of a revolutionary series of giant events from a perspective never before shown.

Discoveries, activism and movements together give us a picture that is both profound and original in its nature. What is really happening in our civilization is made clear. It is bigger than anything else that has happened in recorded history.

Einstein's colleague and a group of renowned physicists made a discovery that was never properly conveyed to the public. It was too profound to be accepted in the mainstream and threatened the elite. As a result, we were not made aware of this discovery and the inevitable implications it had for civilization itself.

News of this discovery was blocked by the media and the scientific establishment because it threatened power holders in big universities and clashed with the status quo. Specifically, it takes power away from those who hold it over others and invests the common man with power and control over his destiny.

An author who worked in a private research and development facility for a Yale University professor at 13 years of age, tells you what you need to know about holographic reality in the most practical terms, and gives you a rare and unique perspective of reality.

This book is a culmination of insights gained from perhaps the longest existing study of the APPLICATION of the holographic universe science paradigm.

The world is in a dangerous trance, and 'The Holographic Universe — Journey Out of the Illusion,' breaks that trance and reveals the greatest news story ever, that should have happened but didn't, yet will now.

Eastwood takes power away from those who hold it over others and invests the common man with power and control over his destiny.

"Your environment is a projection of the mind that you control. You can create anything you want in life."  — William Eastwood.

Take your journey out of the illusion. Get this book now and add it to your best book collection! It will change your life forever!


Holographic Universe Journey Out of the Illusion book ebook by William Eastwood


Available as a paperback or an eBook.


William Eastwood revolutionary new science introduction to an iconoclast
A website article.


greatest news story and scientific discovery William Eastwood science
A website article.


It has long been accepted that presenting people with facts tends to be less effective in changing a person’s beliefs than an emotionally impactful experience does.

There are many people in the world that will never accept that their thoughts create their reality. The vast majority in the world today attribute the creation of events to chance, to an objective God, or a combination of the two major mainstream worldviews.


A website article.


The way to save democracies worldwide is to liberate more people from fixed traditional worldviews. We must reach those that can be educated and influence the remainder. The ability to learn is a choice. No individual is absolutely 100% stuck and unable to learn unless they choose to be. People who we think can’t be educated can change their mind or be influenced to rethink their philosophical beliefs.


A website article.



The main article continues below.



Mind Forms Matter research


Mind forms matter 500 free articles girl holding money

Internal Science & International Philosophy.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Do your thoughts influence people & monkeys
A article.

A article.

Multidimensional Time Travel: Astral Projection man-made planet
A article.

A plan civilization science future from mind forms matter
A article.

Mind Forms Matter how to create what you want
A article.

How does your mind form matter and reality?
A article.

How you can keep yourself safe
A article.

How do I use mind over matter to materialize money manifesting goals dreams?
A article.

Use your mind to make the day go your way
A article.

You can make things happen with your thoughts and mind.
A article.

Astral projection future planet
A article.

Mind forms matter presents: You can prove anything
A article.

Mind forms matter presents all of science is a myth
A article.

International Guaranteed Income for Everyone
An article.

How to manifest cash and materialize money using metaphysics
A article.

Make things happen with your thoughts consciousness mind creates events
A article.



Mind Forms Matter books

Mind Forms Matter 10 paperback book covers


Audiobook manifest fantasies while you sleep
Listen, learn & manifest.



The main article resumes:



Activism to save the earth and our planet
A website article.


A democracy is defined in part by freedom of ideas and freedom of the press. Such a freedom allows people to react and adjust to new theories and information that flows freely. This exposure to all opinions allows individuals to consider and evaluate every idea presented and to decide for themselves which is most accurate or what they want to accept in the end.

Millions of people have not yet been exposed to new science and the perspective on reality and the nature of the individual and life given on this site. If they are introduced to the information by their own choice, they will be less apt to be defensive. If they have problems they need to solve, they may be motivated by the means to solve those problems I offer here.


A website article.


CEU conscious energy unit new science William Eastwood thoughts create matter reality physical
A website article.


Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

The greatest motivation is to become aware of their inherent natural ability to control events and to exercise personal power over reality. People want to feel good, They want to succeed. They want to help those they love. They want to know what reality is and they want to know the truth about reality and their relationship to reality. These are motivations that can be counted upon. In the end, nothing can stop the forward march created by these inherent characteristics of consciousness.

A single book or presentation on a media platform can create a shift in focus and a corresponding wave of influence that passes through the entire population of the world. To any degree this happens, a shift to positive and hopeful thinking can change politics and opinions to save democracy and solve many problems that may currently seem to be beyond solution.

The only way we can save democracies worldwide or solve global problems is to open the minds of millions with the new science that is right here. The more people are educated the harder it is for those who are not to pull civilization down.


Why are some people stuck and unable to learn?

Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

Why are some people stuck and unable to learn? They are attempting to protect themselves.

There are many people who are stuck and unable to learn, especially in regard to politics, worldviews and core values and beliefs. A core belief is supported by subsidiary beliefs and experiences manifest during the course of a lifetime. Mainstream worldviews tend to create a narrow set of assumptions that support their premise. As a result, people become stuck in their philosophical worldview and become relatively unable to learn.

To get unstuck and able to learn, people need to be exposed to new ideas intellectually and emotionally. Intellectual understanding can be followed by emotional understanding.



The main article continues below.



Mind Forms Matter research


Mind forms matter 500 free articles girl holding money

Internal Science & International Philosophy.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Are some people stuckA article.

William Eastwood material is the universe made of consciousness
A article.

What is consciousness panpsychism navigation icon
A article.

It time travel possible?
A article.

Where do all of my problems come from metaphysics
A article.

Mind can and does form matter and create reality. Who you are.
A article.

Your mind forms matter reality Eastwood
A article.

Astral projection future planet
A article.

BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions
A article.

William Eastwood Family Tree early life
A article.

Donate Charity Mission great civilization Earth Network nonprofit we need your help today
Click above to find out how.

A article.

BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions
A article.

A website article.


Affirmations can change beliefs, and when done properly will ensure success and positive experiences.


Manifesting is all about projecting the desired emotions

Negative emotions will manifest!

Positive emotions will manifest!

Thoughts of abundance will manifest!

A sense of forward motion will manifest!

A sense of adventure, glory and discovery will manifest!

A sense of power and ability will manifest!

Joy will manifest!

Match the emotion of having what you want to manifest it!

Maintain those emotions for as long as it takes!

Control your thoughts and emotions.

Make each day an adventure.



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Here is where you change your life for the better




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The main article resumes:



When a new idea is accepted emotionally and internalized, it become an experienced reality and operational. The mind, brain and five senses then begin to project a physical manifestation of the new idea, belief or worldview. Thus, there is potentially a powerful motivation to learn what Einstein’s friend, David Bohm suggested is true with his scientific theories. We create our reality. website feature article.


A website article.


A plan to save democracy and to elevate humanity

Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

Imagine that a new leader representing new thought or new science was just elected and crowds were cheering. Somehow, we got past our world’s problems and division and arrived at this fortunate position. Here we are in the future we could have only dreamed of in the past (our present).

Assuming we are in this imaginary ideal future, what did we do to get there? When we ask our questions from the spirit of the ideal, we get the right answer. But if we ask our questions while fixated on Trump or war looming with Russia, the inner self does not send us the answer. Why is that? Because it can’t.

If we don’t understand this basic principle of how the universe works, then we are stuck, and our fate is sealed. This is the predicament the world is in today.

Think about anything in your imagination and then notice what appears. If you think red cup, you will likely see a red cup in your imagination. This is just how things work. The mind will deliver whatever you focus on, even solutions. If you are focusing on a problem in the news, and seek a way to stop that from happening, you won’t get an answer. You will get more mental pictures of the whole problem you are attempting to escape. You focus will add energy to the problem on inner levels and will reinforce the collective problem.

People cannot see past what they believe.


Cause & solution to bullying given in the solution.


Information actually moves toward those who seek it. Information is actually consciousness. Information is knowledge and knowledge is consciousness and consciousness is possessed of certain impetuses, wanting to spread and be adopted and known by all.

Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

In the same way, information / consciousness dislikes that which threatens its survival. If we are ignorant, we dislike that which will destroy our ignorance. Knowledge or information is consciousness and consciousness is protective. It will defend and protect itself.

You are possessed of the desire to act in the world. This is because you are consciousness. All consciousness has certain characteristics. You need to use your abilities and act in the world. You need to know that your actions count, that there is reason underlying what you do. You must feel that your actions have an impact on the world and make a difference.

The same holds true of the consciousness of Putin and others like him. Only in their case they are attracting and repelling according to their belief in the superiority of their ideas. At the core of their current belief system, they may think that those with contrary ideas are a threat. They may think people cannot be trusted and that therefore democracy will lead them astray and cause them to fail.



The main article continues below.



Mind Forms Matter research


Mind forms matter 500 free articles girl holding money

Internal Science & International Philosophy.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Mind forms matter Belief-projection-theory
A article.

The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
A article.

consciousness-creates-reality-mind-does-create-your-life-experience-thoughts-materialized-physically website article.

Mind forms matter presents new science.
A article.

A article.

A article.

Your beliefs create your reality
An website article.

How do my thoughts create my reality?
A article.

Your mind forms matter visualization
A article.

MIND FORMS MATTER: How to be safe with non-linear time thinking worldview
A article.

Appreciation gratitude are International Philosophy
A article.

Learn to Use Your Mind to Materialize Anything You Desire
A article.



The Dragon Slayer Prophecy film Eastwood
A article.

William Eastwood descendant of King Arthur Merlin Magician
An article.

A film from the future educating
A article.



Mind Forms Matter books

Mind Forms Matter 10 paperback book covers


Audiobook manifest fantasies while you sleep
Listen, learn & manifest.



The main article resumes:



Are There People that Can't Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck With Problems & Unable to Learn?
“Make All Your Problems Go Away” explains why people can’t be educated. If you can’t learn manifesting, you are doomed to failure. Learn how to change your world. (Available in paperback or eBook.)

An inaccurate belief system based on distrust of human nature or materialism is a bit like cancer. It does not benefit the organism, but it defends itself in an effort to survive and expand. It is a consciousness possessed of an inaccurate operating program (beliefs).

Consciousness is “I AM,” meaning your sense of “I AM” is the bottom rung of the nonphysical self to which other beliefs can be attached. You may think, “I am right,” or “I am wrong.” You will likely attach roles to identity. At work you may say “I am and accountant,” or whatever. At home you may say “I am a parent,” or “I am a child.” You can also say “I am a Christian,” or “I am a democrat.” The list goes on. This is how we direct our consciousness to create for us.

How you create via what you attach to “I AM” is covered in The Solution…Otherwise, there are articles on this site that will help you to understand how you create your reality.


Click on image to learn more.


The view of a particle universe is hard to reject because we experience the world as physical. Our senses lie, however, as David Bohm reveals.


Einstein’s friend

David Bohm, friend of Einstein-comments-Mind-forms-creates-matter-proof-facts-David-Bohm-273
David Bohm, friend of Einstein.

Einstein’s friend, David Bohm indicates that we exist as a [individualized] portion of one unbroken field of energy that exists in two states and that thoughts and matter are not different in any intrinsic way. Information in the inner implicate order, Bohm says, determines what manifests in the outer physical world or what he calls the explicate order.

Consciousness is the information in the wave that determines what manifests, and we control the process.

Affirmations determine outcomes. Bohm said that humans can create synchronistic events. History is full of examples of people who could do that.



Einstein and Books by William Eastwood
Albert Einstein.


“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”

Albert Einstein




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When you buy a book here you are not only helping yourself and making an important investment in yourself, you are helping the whole world! All proceeds are used to fund the mission and to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Many people need food and have children who are suffering, and this site is free for them to use to manifest what they need.


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A website article.



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Thoughts form reality mind creates events Holographic Universe Book





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"Make All Your Problems Go Away" hardcover book.
A special trophy hardcover book with color illustrations.


You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.

At age 12, Eastwood was convinced of what would soon become a new paradigm in science. Rather than appease professors and become acclaimed in orthodoxy, he took a course that would align himself with ordinary people everywhere. Although continuing his efforts to reduce fossil fuel emissions in the United States, he changed his direction in a call to help people everywhere. His efforts met with opposition.

The clash between worldviews and the sometimes lethal resistance to a new and more accurate understanding of reality and human nature can make our job extremely difficult at times, however, and so we thank you for your book purchase!

Profits from the sale of books are used to fund the mission; we offer a new paradigm to solve all problems and achieve all worthy goals.





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You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.







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For consistency of accurate material.


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Mind Forms Matter got me smart

How your mind forms matter and creates reality
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


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Are There People that Can’t Be Educated? Why Are Some People Stuck & Unable to Learn?

Copyright © 2022, 2024, By: William Eastwood.



Primary article concludes here.




To change any element of the movie you call life, you have to change your thinking. Altering the mind alters your life. There is no other way to change your life.


Your thoughts affect matter & create your reality.


You have it made.


Categories: Are there people that can’t be educated? Why are some people stuck and unable to learn? Mind forms matter. Consciousness creates your reality. Click on our site & books to learn more. 

Physicists will go so far as to say the universe is entirely composed of fields of energy containing information, which is just a fancy acceptable scientific phrase describing consciousness. What is your mind or a thought but energy containing information?




The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.

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