Does quantum mechanics disprove materialism?

Yes! they can’t both be right. One is correct and one is incorrect

Does quantum mechanics disprove materialism?

Yes! The findings of quantum mechanics rejects traditional notions of a mechanical universe, often referred to as realistic philosophy.

The implication is that reality is basically non-physical and is a manifestation of consciousness.

Bell’s theorem proves that the official scientific mechanistic worldview of our civilization is inaccurate, in short, a myth.

Non-local quantum mechanics governs over local physics. This is, in an anology, like national laws overriding local or state and town laws. The local (mechanical) laws apply in certain localities only.

Even orthodox science is confounded by the findings of quantum mechanics which strongly suggest that reality itself is non-local.

Materialism is a myth.

The laws of thermodynamics tell us that energy (in an isolated system) cannot be destroyed, only transformed. Many have taken this to imply that the universe must therefore be eternal. I take this to mean that consciousness forms matter.

Physical systems do not change physical systems. Energy, which is the universe itself, is a form of consciousness. Consciousness itself is indestructible and eternal.

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